Reflexology is a type of therapy that uses gentle pressure on specific points along your feet (aS WELL AS hands or ears). reflexology cAn ease stress, BODY PAIN, AND MORE. The way reflexology connects AREAS on the outside of your body to the inside is a bit like acupuncture and acupressure. while reflexologists do use their hands, it isn’t a form of massage. reflexology is complementary to medical treatments. It can be done alongside traditional care. Reflexology Benefits Reflexology may help you feel less stressed, more relaxed, and more energized. But the benefits might go deeper if you have certain health issues. REFLEXOLOGY CAN HELP WITH -MIGRAINES -SLEEP DISORDERS -INCREASING CIRCULATION -STRESS AND ANXIETY -IMPROVING IMMUNE FUNCTION -PLANTAR FASCIITIS -ARTHRITIS -BACK AND BODY PAIN -DIGESTION -SINUS ISSUES -AND MORE! CONTACT US TO SPEAK DIRECTLY WITH Steph AND SEE HOW REFLEXOLOGY CAN HELP YOU. |